12 Benefits of Soul Winning


Benefits of Soul Winning
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

When you know the benefits of Soul winning, evangelism becomes your lifestyle. When you understand what you stand to gain when you win one soul for Christ, you wouldn’t wait for anyone to compel you to go out for evangelism and soul winning. Soul winning is a profitable venture. In this post  we shall be exploring from the scriptures the numerous benefits of soul winning both to us as individuals and to the body of Christ. Now let’s get started.


“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever” Daniel 12:3

A star is a Champion, a legend and a winner. Stars shine where there is darkness. To become a star, you must be a soul winner. Soul winning makes you a star on the earth. You can’t be a failure when you are a rugged soul winner. If you desire to succeed in your business and career, you can’t take soul winning with levity.


“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise” Prov 11:30

Soul Winning makes you wise. You can’t be a soul winner and become a dummy. Because when you are preaching the gospel, you are rubbing minds together with God. Soul Winning empowers your mental abilities. If you engage in soul winning consistently, the first thing you will discover is that your level of wisdom, knowledge and understanding has increased. I guarantee that Evangelism and soul winning can turn an average student into an A-Student. The word of God is the wisdom of God. So when you engage the word in the place of evangelism and soul winning, it will produce a mental champion out of you.  The Bible is the greatest University and the Holy Spirit the greatest teacher. When you become a lifetime student of the Bible under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit in the place of Evangelism and Soul winning, you will become wise above your peers.
Benefits of Soul Winning
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p


“ I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance” Luke 15:7
God’s greatest desire is to see Souls saved. Nothing gives God joy like seeing a sinner turn away from his sins unto righteousness. Therefore, soul winning and evangelism makes God and all the host of heaven happy. Each time you win a soul, you put a smile on the face of God. Oh what a joy to make heaven happy! And when you make God happy, you will never know sorrow the rest of your life. There is celebration and excitement in heaven when just one soul is saved. And whatever you make happen for God, God will make happen for you. When you put a smile on the face of God through Soul winning, heaven will decorate you with laughter that no devil can erase. That’s why I love soul winning and evangelism. Because I know it makes my father in heaven happy. If you want to know what pleases God, it is soul winning. The best way to please God is to win souls for Him. God takes special pleasure when you bring souls to heaven and depopulate hell.


“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation, that saith unto Zion,thy God reigneth” Isaiah 52:7
“And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” Ephesians 6:15

Christianity is not a funfare. It is warfare. We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and against spiritual wickedness in the high places. Therefore, as gallant Soldiers of Christ, we need to put on the whole armor of God so that we can resist and overcome all the strategies of the devil. And one of this spiritual armor we need is the spiritual boot of the gospel and soul winning. Evangelism and soul winning is a spiritual Boot to trample under your feet scorpions and serpents. When you are a soul winner, your feet are carrying fire. Evangelism and soul winning protects your feet against all the attacks of the devil on the path of your destiny and assignment. Preaching the gospel is a beautiful spiritual boot. Don’t walk bare-footed in the journey of life. Put on your beautiful shoes of evangelism and soul winning. With the spiritual boot of soul winning and evangelism on your feet, every poison kept at your door post will become your foot-match. Anyone dropping charms on your farm land, shop or office will be doing so at their own detriment when you are wearing the beautiful spiritual boot of soul winning and evangelism. Friend, soul winning is sweet. Evangelism is powerful. Don’t joke with soul winning and evangelism.


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” Matt 6:33
“If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?” 1 Cor 9:11

There is a covenant in the kingdom that when you make spiritual impact in the lives of people, God rewards you by touching the people to give you their carnal things. Nothing guarantees supernatural provision and favour like evangelism and soul winning. I am a witness to this truth. I have received all manner of material blessings from people without asking for anything during some of my evangelism exercises. Let me tell you the few I can remember just to encourage you. Remember our only target in evangelism is souls. I have never gone out for evangelism thinking of what anyone will give to me. I go out for evangelism asking God “what would you want me to give out today?” When your focus is on souls and not what to get from people, God will surprise you with material blessings. I remember one day, I went for evangelism in one market in Portharcourt, Rivers state Nigeria. As soon as I just finished preaching, a man I have never met before walked up to me and said, “Evangelist while you were preaching God asked me to buy you any shoe of your choice. Please sir, choose any shoe here and I will pay for it”. I didn’t know the man before nor did I tell him I needed any shoes. When you impact the people spiritually, God will move them to bless you with their material things. Let me give you another true life story of what I experienced. When I was serving as a Missionary in one church in Portharcourt few years ago, things were very hard for me as the church I was working with was not really taking good care of me. I was sleeping on the floor, no food and no money. Yet I was going around the town preaching the gospel and winning souls for the Lord. One of those days, I got up one morning and there was no food in the house or any money in my pocket. I thought of what to do and the Holy Spirit told me to go for evangelism. When I enquired why I should do that considering my predicament, He said to me, “God works with workers and doesn’t sit with sitters. Your miracle is waiting for you at your duty post”. With that rhema fresh in my spirit, I took my bible and went out for evangelism. The first shop I entered was a boutique and the owner is a woman. So I preached Christ to her and she was very excited and received the word with gladness. When I wanted to leave the shop, she gave me two hundred naira as a gift. I didn’t ask her to give me anything. Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit told me not to accept the money. So I told the woman to keep back her money. I was surprised myself as why I couldn’t take the money. Because to me then that two hundred naira looked like two hundred million naira as I was very hungry without any dime in my pocket or any food in the house.  At least with that two hundred naira I could buy snacks and soft drink for myself, that’s what I figured in my mind. But the Holy Ghost said, “don’t take that money” and I obeyed regardless of my situation. The woman said to me, “Evangelist, you can’t leave my shop without me giving you something”.  She took one costly perfume from her shop and gave it to me. The Spirit told me, “Take this one”. So I collected the perfume and continued my evangelism. I preached from shop to shop, leading several souls to Christ and praying for them. After some hours of preaching and walking around, I was tired and needed a cool place to rest small. Eventually, I found the hairdressing saloon that belonged to my church member and went into the shop to rest. Few minutes later, two women entered into the shop to pay for their training fee in hairdressing. After the two women left the shop, the owner of the shop took five thousand naira and dropped it at my feet. I was surprised because I didn’t ask her to give me any money. So I asked her questions to know if it was God that told her to do it. When I knew that she was commanded by the spirit to give me that money, I collected the five thousand naira, declared prophetic blessings on her and went home. Now can you see how Soul Winning and evangelism guarantees supernatural provision? Few hours ago, I was in my mission room without any dime in my pocket or food to eat.  But just by going out for Soul winning and evangelism I came back with five thousand naira plus a beautiful perfume without stress or begging.  Today by the mercy of God, I have received all manner of material blessings without asking for anything from anybody in the course of my evangelism and soul winning. I have received things like Evangelism equipment, clothes, shoes, food stuff, huge sum of money, landing properties and connections among other things. The word of God is true, if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, those things that other people are looking for will come on their own accord looking for us.


Benefits of Soul Winning
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

“ And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” Mark 16:20.

One of the benefits of soul winning is that it commits God to work with you and for you by confirming His word in your mouth with signs and wonders. Every soul winner is a sign producer. Many are looking for miracles, signs and wonders but you can become a producer of miracles, signs and wonders by simply becoming a radical soul winner. Miracles are a companion of soul winners. If you want to see power, healing, deliverance, breakthroughs, miracles, signs and wonders erupt through your hands go out for evangelism and soul winning. As long as you remain a bench warmer in the church without a personal discipline of evangelism and soul winning, you may never know how powerful and anointed you are. Don’t drag pulpit with anybody. Don’t compete with anyone for any position in the church. Go out to the streets and prove your ministry. Even till this very moment, the Lord is still working with human vessels, doing wonders without numbers. But are you available for God to use you? Can God work with you? Will He find you? The Lord is always capable, He is only looking for available vessels. May He find you and me available these last days in Jesus name.


“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” Matt 28:20

Soul winning gives you access to God’s divine presence. You can’t lack His presence when you are an active soul winner. The Lord is with His soul winners always. Anywhere soul winning takes you to, His presence follows you there. Soul winning brings you into the company of God. Evangelism attracts God’s presence just as sugar attracts the ants. The presence of God has left many churches a long time ago and many people don’t know it. When a church abandons soul winning and evangelism and begins to major on building their own empire, the presence of the lord will leave that church without prior notice. A church that does not engage in evangelism has become a museum void of God’s divine presence. The only thing God is interested in is souls. The Lord is out in the streets where sinners are. You will never miss His presence if you are an effective soul winner. Where soul winning is, that’s where the presence of the Lord is.


“And the word of God increased, and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly, and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith” Acts 6:7
Nothing brings church growth like evangelism and soul winning. A church that is passionate about soul winning will never stop growing in membership. Increase in evangelism and soul winning will eventually lead to an increase in the number of disciples in the church. The secret of the largest churches in the world is soul winning and evangelism. While some pastors and their churches are saving their money in the bank, the fastest growing churches are investing their money, time and energy in soul winning. The difference is always clear. In the kingdom of God, the true definition of money is anything used to win souls for the Lord. Money is for soul winning. Don’t save money, please use it to save souls through crusades, conferences, seminars and charity works.

Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p


“For this purpose the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” 1 John 3:8B)
Nothing destroys the devices, weapons and works of the devil in the lives of people like evangelism and soul winning. Satan hates evangelism and soul winning because of the havoc it causes to his kingdom. When you want to get rid of witchcraft activities and other demonic activities in your community, city or nation, introduce rugged evangelism and soul winning. The preaching of the gospel disarms the devil and his agents. That’s why the devil fights evangelism by all means. The devil will have you occupy yourself with other things than to go for evangelism. Satan brings discouragement and weakness to your evangelism lifestyle because he knows the harm you will cause to his works. During some of my evangelism outreaches, I have seen the devil’s captives set free and the sick healed by the power of God. One of the benefits of soul winning is that it destroys the works of the devil. May this encourage you to continue with your evangelism and soul winning endeavors.


“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord” 2 Cor 3:18
Our communities, cities, nations, every sphere of human influence and the entire globe can be supernaturally transformed through the impact and effect of evangelism and soulwinning. Nothing changes the society like the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Coercion, forceful intimidation and oppression may not change the social vices in the world today. But the gospel can turn a prostitute to a prophetess, a high way robber to a world changer, a drug addict to a God-addict. The gospel of Jesus Christ can change the people and transform our society. There is no man that created himself. God created all of us. So no man is stronger than God. There is no man, community, city or nation that God cannot change. And the only way God changes people and their environment is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why the Bible says,
“So then Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Rom 10:17
The more people hear the word of God, the more they will change from bad people to good and better people. That’s one of the benefits of evangelism and soul winning. The more we preach the gospel, the more people will hear the word of God and the more they hear the word, the more they will change and become good and wonderful people. And when the people are transformed, they invariably transform the society where they live. Now listen to this, “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.” Isaiah 9:2-3

This is what happens when we preach the gospel and evangelize our communities, cities and nations for Christ, we bring people out of darkness into the great light of God. Consequently, our communities, cities and nations that look like the land of shadow of death where all kinds of evil reside will become a transformed society beaming with the joy of salvation and prosperity. You are not doing good to your community, city and nation if you don’t participate in the evangelization of the land. The best way to show that you love your community, city, state and country is to be committed to evangelism and soul winning there. It’s not enough to sit down and talk about how bad your country, state, city or community is, what matters is the effort you are making towards their transformation. I salute those governors, Senators, Commissioners, Businessmen and Philanthropists who sponsor gospel crusade and evangelism outreaches in their communities, city, state and nation. They are true diplomats and Kingdom Ambassadors. To be honest, you can’t claim to love God when you don’t love what God loves. The greatest thing God loves is Soul winning.


“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me that day; and not to me only, but unto them also that love his appearing” 2 Timothy 4:7-8

One of  the benefits of soul winning and evangelism is that it qualifies you to receive a crown of righteousness in heaven. I want you to understand this truth, every believer in Christ is a Citizen of heaven. Heaven is our home and spiritual country. We came from heaven and we shall return to heaven after finishing our assignment on the earth. So we are not fighting the good fight of faith just to make heaven at last. We are already citizens of Heaven by redemption, our labour in the Lord here on the earth is to receive a crown of righteousness when we get back to heaven. The greatest disappointment in heaven is for a believer to return home without a crown. Your kingdom service and commitment to soul winning is a sure ticket to getting a crown in heaven. Don’t go to heaven like Lazarus who died and didn’t have his own room in heaven because he didn’t contribute anything to the kingdom when he was on the earth. Go to Heaven like Father Abraham, Apostle Paul, men like Billy Graham, Reinhard Bonnke, Benson Idahosa, Cathrine Kulman and several other Saints who died in active kingdom service and radical soul winning lifestyle.


"And others save  with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the  garment spotted by the flesh." Jude 1:23

One of the supernatural benefits of soul Winning is that it helps to populate heaven and depopulate hell. Through evangelism and soul winning we can pull the souls of men out of the fire. We can bring life to them that are appointed to die. By preaching the gospel we empty hell so that Satan will cry alone in hell. Soul winning brings the lost to heaven and deprive hell of her customers. Evangelism is a rescue mission. We plunder hell and render it vacant through rugged evangelism and soul winning. Hallelujah.

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We invite you to come and fellowship with us at Wondercity International, 31 Eligbolo Rd Rumuodomaya, Portharcourt Rivers State. Our Sunday service holds from 10am-12pm.

I know this teaching has blessed you. Write and share your testimony with me via whatsapp: +234 7031585955 or E-mail: damianalamba1@gmail.com

Damian Alamba

Author| Copywriter| Data Entry & Research Specialist| Business Data Analyst| Web designer| Preacher Damian Alamba is the Founder/CEO Damianalamba.com and WINDA Group, a Real Estate, Media and Technology Company based in Nigeria. Damian Alamba is a Part of the current Charismatic renaissance sweeping across the African Continent and some other parts of the World. He is an International Evangelist and New Testament Prophet. Called with a divine Mandate to raise Leaders that Represent Heaven on Earth, He is the President and Founder Wondercity International Ministries. He is one of the few respected, God fearing and anointed Man of God in this our time and generation. His messages based on faith and righteousness have undoubtedly brought salvation, healing, deliverance and transformation to millions of people around the World. God has wrought many outstanding miracles, signs and wonders through him. Some of His books Include: The Mystery of Prayer, How to Pray and Get Answer, Running with Vision, Breaking the Spirit of Poverty, Prosperity Without Tears and several others.

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