20 Benefits of Obedience


Benefits of Obedience
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Whether you are a Christian or not, you need Obedience to succeed in life. As a good Citizen of your Country, it's your responsibility to obey the good laws and Policies of your Country. As a Student, it's your responsibility to Obey your Teachers and the School authority. At your place of work, you need to obey your Boss to continue working for him. So Obedience is not just a religious stuff, it is an indespensible virtue required in every individual who wants to be successful in life. One minute of disobedience can crash a man's whole destiny. No one is exempted from the demands of Obedience, your religion, culture, nationality and gender notwithstanding. In this post today, I will be sharing with you some of the benefits of obedience you need to know, so you can enjoy total victory, success, good health, prosperity and long life on the earth. Read with confidence. 

What is Obedience? 

Obedience is doing what you are asked to do, how you are asked to do it and when you are asked to do it. Obedience is simply heeding to instructions and complying accordingly. Obedience is an art and it can be learned. Even Christ the Son of God learned obedience ( Hebrew 5:8).  Man by nature is disobedient and full of himself. Obedience is an art of the Spirit which you must learn if you want to walk with God and succeed on the earth. Now what are the benefits of obedience?

1. Obedience commits God to set you Above all the Nations of the Earth- Deut 28:1

Your placement in life is not determined by your age, background, culture, nationality or gender. Your obedience to God and His Instructions enshrined in the Holy scriptures is what determines your placement in life and destiny. In this kingdom, men rise from obscurity to limelight by simply obeying God. Abraham, David, Moses, Joseph, Peter and all the Heroes in the Bible rose to the top by their obedience to God and His Instructions.

2. Obedience qualifies you to Enjoy Kingdom Prosperity on earth- Job 36:11

Benefits of Obedience
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

One of the benefits of obedience in the kingdom of God is that it qualifies you to access and enjoy the wealth and riches of God on the earth. You agree with me that silver belongs to God and the gold also belongs to God. So who do you think God will give His silver and gold, those who disobey Him or those who obey Him? Invariably, God won't waste His resources on disobedient children. Obedience to God and His Instructions provokes supernatural prosperity.

3. Obedience provokes the Sworn Blessings of God in the life of a man- Deut 28:2-3

Obedience is the pathway to God's blessings. Do you want to see the blessings of God in your life, family, business, career and finances? The key to it is obedience to God. When you are an obedient child of God, you operate under the covenant of blessings. Nothing provokes the blessings of God like obedience. And you know what the blessing of God can do for you, it makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. 

4. Obedience provokes Generational Blessing on your Children

Benefits of Obedience
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

One of the benefits of obedience is that it provokes Generational Blessings upon your children and your children's children. One sure way to leave a legacy for your children is to simply Walk in obedience to God all the days of your life. A life of obedience to God is a spiritual investment that brings ROI that money cannot buy. If you want to secure the future of your children as a parent, please Obey God. 

5. Obedience Gives you super Victory over your Enemies- Deut 28:7

Enemies are real. Sometimes there are people you thought that are your friend, but they are your real enemies. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it hands over your battles to God and makes you a Spectator. When you obey God, God takes over your battles. He fights your enemies until they are completely destroyed. Obedience to God will make you stronger than your enemies. A man that is walking in obedience to God is a dangerous man. He is too defended to be defeated. 

6. Obedience to God makes the Works of your Hand to Prosper wherever you are- Deut 28:8

Your success in life is not determined by your geographical location, it is determined by your covenant practice. Anyone can succeed anywhere if there is a backing from God. One of the benefits of obedience is that it causes anything you set your hand to do to succeed and prosper wherever you are. It doesn't matter where you are around the world, if you will obey God, you will succeed there. 

7. Obedience to God brings divine Establishment- Deut 28:9

In the kingdom men don't get established by the strength of their arms, for by strength shall no man prevail. In this kingdom God establishes His people when they walk in obedience to His Instructions. You can't stumble when you are obeying God. Government will come and go but those who obey God will abide forever. Do you want God to establish you, your business, career, Ministry, family or Company? The key is Obedience!

8. Obedience makes you a Terror to your Enemies-Deut 28:10

The lion is not the king of the Forest by virtue of his size, height or strength. The lion is the king of the Forest by the terror his appearance exudes. Each time the lion roars, other animals will go into hiding. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it makes you a terror to your enemies. When they see you coming, they go into hiding. When they mention your name in their secret meetings, they all start panicking. You don't have to live your life under the fear of the unknown. Your name can become a terror to your terrors and problem to your problems. Someone once took my name to the shrine of a native doctor in Anambra state, both the native doctor that took my name there and the shrine where my name was mentioned have not recovered from the eternal blow heaven gave to them. It pays to obey God. Some of the things you are afraid of now, should be afraid of you. Obedience to God is the key. 

9. Obedience brings Multiplication and Abundance- Deut 28: 11

The secret of Multiplication is not tricks or prank, it is obedience to God almighty. When you are committed to obeying God, everything about your life and destiny multiplies. If you doubt me, ask Abraham how he became the father of many nations. Obedience can turn your kiosk into a warehouse. Obedience can multiply your five loaves and two fishes into twelve baskets. The secret of every miracle of abundance and Multiplication is traceable to obedience to divine instructions. Obedience is powerful, don't joke with it. If you want to enjoy plenty in life and destiny, please Obey God.

10. Obedience qualifies you to enjoy Open Heaven- Deut 28: 12

Heaven has gates and windows. The key that opens heaven is obedience. When you Walk in obedience to God and His Instructions, the heaven over your life, business, career and finances will become open. And when your heaven is open, you will have access to deep revelations and strange ideas for success. When your heaven is open, the earth becomes your parish. You need obedience to secure open heaven. Men don't just suddenly patronize your goods and services, no matter how good they are. It is open heaven, provoked by obedience that sponsors divine introduction and publicity. 

11. Obedience Empowers you to become a lender to nations and not a borrower- Deut 28:12B

There is a higher realm of prosperity where you don't beg or borrow, no matter the economic recession in your country. Obedience to God and Obedience to covenant obligations are vital keys to accessing that higher level of wealth and prosperity in the kingdom of God. One of the benefits of obedience is that it makes you a lender to nations and not a borrower. Check Countries like America who commit their resources to giving help and assistance to humanity, they are in charge of the economy of the world. Check individuals who practice philanthropy as if their whole life depends on it, they don't lack or borrow. Obedience to God doesn't make people poor. It doesn't reduce your height. On the contrary, it increases your size and status.

12. God values Obedience above Sacrifice- 1 Sam 15:22

In God's scale of preference, Obedience has a higher value more than every other kind of sacrifice or service you can render to Him. Giving to God without obedience to His word is a sacrilege before God. Our prayers become a noise in God's ears when We are not walking in obedience. The greatest sacrifice that pleases God is simply to obey God. In all of our walk with God and work for God, obedience is primary, every other thing is secondary. 

13. By Your Obedience, Many People can become Righteous- Rom 5:19, Rom 16:19

By the disobedience of one man Adam, all humanity became sinners but by the obedience of Christ we all became Righteous in Christ. Obedience is contagious and transferable. Your obedience can influence other people to change from bad to good people. Your obedience can become a good example and model for other people to pattern their lives. You can influence your family, community, nation and generation to become obedient to God by simply demonstrating a lifestyle of obedience for all to see.

14. Obedience Makes You a Servant of Righteousness- Rom 6:16

Many people are happy to be called civil servants because they serve the government. But there is a greater honor. It is the privilege of becoming a servant of righteousness. Obedience makes you a servant of righteousness. When you are a servant of righteousness, your own feelings, will and decisions are subject to the Will of God. That's where Sonship is attained. It's one of the benefits of obedience. The more you Obey God, the more you become bound by the Spirit to align with the higher thoughts and patterns of heaven, then your human nature becomes a slave of the Spirit. At this point, you have no choice, anywhere God asks you to go, you go there and anything He asks you to do, you do it with ease. When you are in this realm, His commandments become easy and His burdens light. Why ? Because you have become a servant of righteousness.

15. Obedience enables You to Compel Every Evil Thought to the Obedience of Christ- 2 Cor 10:5

Evil Thoughts are like birds that fly in the sky. You can't stop the birds from flying in the sky, but you can stop them from perching on your head. One of the benefits of obedience is that it equips you to arrest every evil thought that wants to perch on your head and compel it to align with the obedience of Christ. Without obedience, one will never overcome evil thoughts. But when you are an obedient child of God, whenever an Evil thought comes into your mind, you will quickly reject it and abort it right there where it started. Obedience is the stopper or lock of the gate of your mind. When you lack obedience, your mind is open and vulnerable to any kind of thoughts. 

16. Obedience qualifies you to become God's Legislator to Punish every agent of Disobedience- 2 Cor 10:6

Obedience to God is a requirement for operating on earth as one of God's Legislators and Judges. You can't be walking in disobedience and expect demons to obey you. Your own obedience is your Identity card in operating on earth as God's General and Legislator. When you obey God, everything will obey you. Even in your family as a Parent, when you are obedient to God, your children will be obedient to you. Obedience is reciprocal. Learn to obey God and no force of hell can resist your Authority. Do you want to see sickness, diseases, death, poverty and demons flee at the command of your faith? You need to walk in obedience to God and His commandments. 

17. Obedience guarantees Good Success- Joshua 1:8

Benefits of Obedience
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

Not every success is a good success. There is a way that seems right to a man but it leads to death and destruction. One of the benefits of obedience is that it makes you to have a good success. The kind that comes with peace of mind. The kind that glorifies God and improves human life. When you Obey God's instructions for success and prosperity, you don't need to stain your hands with evil to succeed. Obedience to God guarantees good success. 

18. Obedience to God guarantees happiness and peace- Psalm 119:165

One of the benefits of obedience to God is happiness and peace of mind. It also guarantees harmony and happiness in your family and business. Some of the troubles and crises Many people are facing in their families are as a result of flagrant disobedience to divine instructions. When we walk in obedience to God and His Instructions, our families, communities, cities and nations will experience peace and happiness. You won't think of harming your neighbor when it is in your heart to obey God. When it becomes a passion in your heart to obey God, you will do everything possible to ensure there is peace and harmony wherever you are. 

19. Obedience guarantees Long Life- Ephesians 6:1-3

As God's Children, it is required of us to obey our heavenly father in every situation, so we can enjoy long life on the earth. It is also a spiritual obligations for us to honour and obey our earthly and spiritual Parents, as this will prolong our days on the earth. Obedience is not being stupid. You are not a fool when you choose to obey God. One of the benefits of obedience is long life. Now you can decide how long you want to live in this world. You can cheat death a thousand times by simply engaging the covenant of obedience. I have seen this principle work in my own life. It will work for you too. Just make up your mind that you will do whatever God asks you to do. Be an obedient child of God. 

20. Obedience guarantees heaven at last- Rev 22:12

Life on earth is a preparation for eternity. One of the requirements for spending eternity with God in heaven is a lifestyle of obedience. Heaven is a home for the righteous. No unrighteous or disobedient soul will make it to heaven. Jesus Christ is coming to reward His obedient children with the crown of life and righteousness. Child of God, refuse to live in disobedience. Strive to enter the narrow way. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Are you prepared to meet Jesus? Are you ready now? How commitment are you to His word? Time is short, heaven is real, receive grace to walk consistently in Obedience.


Nature abhors vacuum. As long as we live in this realm called the earth, we must be yielded to a higher force. It is either you yield your body, Spirit and Soul to Obey God or the devil will demand them from you. There is no neutral ground in the journey of life. It's either you Obey God or you obey the devil. Make your choice. Having explored the benefits of obedience to God in this post, you will be happy if you put them into practice. Thanks for reading to this point. God bless you. 

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Damian Alamba

Author| Copywriter| Data Entry & Research Specialist| Business Data Analyst| Web designer| Preacher Damian Alamba is the Founder/CEO Damianalamba.com and WINDA Group, a Real Estate, Media and Technology Company based in Nigeria. Damian Alamba is a Part of the current Charismatic renaissance sweeping across the African Continent and some other parts of the World. He is an International Evangelist and New Testament Prophet. Called with a divine Mandate to raise Leaders that Represent Heaven on Earth, He is the President and Founder Wondercity International Ministries. He is one of the few respected, God fearing and anointed Man of God in this our time and generation. His messages based on faith and righteousness have undoubtedly brought salvation, healing, deliverance and transformation to millions of people around the World. God has wrought many outstanding miracles, signs and wonders through him. Some of His books Include: The Mystery of Prayer, How to Pray and Get Answer, Running with Vision, Breaking the Spirit of Poverty, Prosperity Without Tears and several others.

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